Ditch Unwanted Habits

Four-Step Program: Unwanted Habits


"I want to feel OK/normal/special/different/nothing!"
Desperation is more of a symptom rather than a cause when it comes to dealing with unwanted habits and I include it here so that when outside pressures and/or temptations are particularly intense it may help to have a place to start re-establishing control. When feelings are strong we need some way to understand what may be going on and what we can do about it.
There are several self-care categories that may be worth exploring to try to find out what is actually going on, to find out what is driving the strong feelings. 'Depression', 'Compulsion', 'Bingeing', and 'General Anxiety' are worth checking out.
Click to check out 'Depression':
Click to check out 'Compulsion':
Click to check out 'Bingeing':
Click to check out 'General Anxiety':
General Anxiety
Also, here is a guided meditation that you may find useful. It is intended to challenge your loss of caring and remind you that you have purposes worth aiming for.
Active Trancework.
Click here to connect to your calm core:
Calm and Assertive