
When Challenges Happen


When our compulsion has the feel of certainty about it then using 'No Temptation' can work much less well. What we need when this happens is to swap to focus on our target and use conscious determination to get us past the time of compulsion. When the compulsion shifts then swap back to using 'No Temptation' and maybe look at the challenges section covering 'Bingeing' or review the self-care section to consider support or distractions that may be available to you.
However, for some of us, there may be times when we genuinely can benefit from reviewing our target. If we have an ambitious long-term target then we may have dips in our enthusiasm from time to time. Consider allowing for occasional controlled 'lapses' or maybe reducing the timespan of your target. Lapsing is not giving up.
Whatever you choose, don't blame yourself for feeling compulsion at times but do try to learn from it. What is happening in your situation that may be triggering the compulsion? What more can you put in place to avoid this happening again in the future? Don't forget to appreciate what you have achieved so far and remind yourself that it is a journey that you are on to change a deep habit.
Certainty is a state of mind more commonly associated with personally-important long-term aims or purposes. It may be an opportunity for you to gain insight not just on the day-to-day process of your habit but on what you stand to gain through changing your habit or finding alternative ways of being that suit your life-purposes better.
Here is a guided meditation that you may find useful. It is intended to remind you who is in charge and to boost your feelings of confidence.
Active Trancework.
Click here to stay in charge:
Confidence to Change