
When Challenges Happen


I use the term neurodiveristy here in a very broad sense to include many conditions that may be genetic, tend to be life-long, and often have few fully-effective remedies. In one sense we could all be described as neurodiverse as we are all unique in terms of our intellect, temperement, and internal mental experience. However, some of us are definitely further from the 'average' than others.
Conditions such as autism, ADHD, bipolar, migrain, epilepsy, OCD, allergies, and so on can produce a number of additional challenges. An obvious example is anxiety in one form or another, which may be more common amongst the neurodiverse individuals than the neurotypical majority. There is also the potential for memory to work in a slightly different way, which may mean that the down-side of bad habits is not well remembered as an experiential reality over time. Indeed, some disorders can arise directly from a desire to self-stimulate in an effort to maintain control of one's feelings.
If you have a diagnosis, or a suspiscion that you may have some form of neurodiversity, then it is important that you take this into account when managing your habits. You may, for example, find it particularly challenging to master your temptations at particular times or when faced with particular circumstances. Try to be aware of those times when you find it challenging and arrange, as much as you are able, to find alternative ways of managing yourself through these times.
Do not blame yourself, or your condition, if you struggle. Accept that sometimes the best that you can do is to support yourself as best you can.
The more that you can find out about your own particular experience of neurodversity the better, through self-discovery and through learning from the experiences of others.
I am not presenting any particular advice or suggestions about neurodiversity and managing habits. Do review the challenges that I have listed and use your experience to comprehend how these may play out for you and whether there is something that you can implement that will help you achieve your long-term aims.