
Bingeing: Other Tactics

There are many tactics that can be useful in reducing or reversing compulsive drinking as it starts and even once it is in progress.
The Four-Step Program 'Self-Care' page lists a number of tactics for you to investigate:
I'll add to one of those options here:
Even when you find yourself repeating your old bingeing habit you have an opportunity to fight against it and to acknowledge yourself for resisting as long as you did. It is not a failure to fall back into an old habit, it is just another time that your resolve has weakened and you now have a chance to recommit and learn a bit more about how you trick yourself.
Once you are clear-headed again, ask yourself:
What led to your old habit re-emerging?
Is there anything else that you could have done?
What can you do differently next time?
Are you prepared to recommit to your original target or is there a different target that may work better?