
Simple methods for dealing with common issues

Resources to support us through life

Trancework Files

Active Trancework.
Meet with a Wise-One and learn something new:
Wise One Finds Something Valuable
Active Trancework.
Take a quick visit to the Awesome Stairs:
Mini Awesome Stairs
Active Trancework.
Relax for a trip to transcendence:
Active Trancework.
Starting 2025 Clean and Sober:
Clean and Sober
Active Trancework.
Build resolve for your 2025 resolutions:

Health and Wellbeing Files

Active Trancework.
Building resolve through affirmation:
Building Resolve
Active Trancework.
Resist stress by building resilient confidence:
Resilience Under Stress
Active Trancework.
Build calm-determination to counter anxiety:
Release From Anxiety
Active Trancework.
Increase hope for an empowered future:
Hope for the Future
Active Trancework.
Building subconscious resilience:
Cryptic Resilience
Active Trancework.
Suggestions for you to enjoy life more, just as it is:
Enjoying Life

Mini-Wellbeing Files

Active Trancework.
Directing the subconscious to help with a physical issue:
Mini Body Work
Active Trancework.
A simple hope-filled approach to lift depression:
Mini End To Depression
Active Trancework.
Stop procrastination:
No More Procrastination Mini

Four-Step Program Files

Active Trancework.
This meditation encourages a sense of pride in remaining sober:
Sober and Proud
Active Trancework.
This meditation addresses the urge to drink and aims to diminish it:
No Urge To Drink
Active Trancework.
This meditation boosts the conscious control of drinking to a managed level:
Control Your Drinking
Active Trancework.
This meditation is a short-form meditation intended to support a low-level of drinking:
Healthy Drink Habit

Sleeping Meditations

Active Trancework.
Just one aim - to go to sleep:
Go To Sleep Magic Sleep
Active Trancework.
Take a quick visit to the Awesome Stairs:
Mini Awesome Stairs Magic Sleep
Active Trancework.
A sleeping meditation to the Awesome Stairs:
Awesome Stairs Magic Sleep
Active Trancework.
A sleeping meditation to practise inner balance:
Life Balance Lifirmation Magic Sleep
Active Trancework.
A sleeping meditation to boost inner welbeing:
Wellbeing Magic Sleep
Active Trancework.
Just choral:
Choral Steps