Walks of Mind
Warning: This website may change your mind.
Keep the best and improve the rest. Human nature at work.
Meet the author
Hello, and welcome to this website.
I am excited to share this website with you and I hope that you find some of the ideas that I present here useful, no matter the path that you are on.
I have been lucky enough to have had several careers in my life. These include working on feasibility studies in operational research, working as an author for home computer systems, setting up a company for the development of computer simulations and advanced accounting software, and more recently as a cognitive facilitator/teacher, a mentor/coach, and a clinical hypnotherapist.
Without knowing it I have been working towards the breakthrough that I present here for nearly six decades, trying to work out why we do the things that we do. And, more recently, trying to find new and better solutions to the common problems that my clients and I tend to experience such as general states of mind, motivations, addictions, limiting habits, anxiety, depression, and more recently, for me at least, burnout.
The result is an extended behavioural model of the human mind and a whole series of new potential self-care approaches for dealing with a wide range of issues. The model is a fusion of old and new insights but offers not just greater understanding of why we are as we are but sheds a whole new light on our cultures and the global challenges that face us. Although the principles of this model are simple and widely understood, this model is a little like seeing life in colour after years of putting up with black and white.
Please be aware, this website can change your experience of life, for the better.