
Simple methods for a better life.

Wellbeing Re-Minders

Re-minders are statements that have personal meaning and can contribute to the maintenance and development of our mental wellbeing.
Re-minders can include affirmations, declarations, aspirations, inspirations, as well as literal reminders and chosen intentions.
Statements that have no or little meaning to us, or that are based on falsehoods or exagerations, may have some use to explore or act out new bahaviour but do not work well as wellbeing re-minders because we distrust or disbelieve the statements. This inhibits the statements from forming deeper memories that fit in with our existing core beliefs and personal wisdoms.
Aspirational re-minders that do hold meaning for us literally help us to behave or think in ways that we choose over time, so building mental resilience as well as boosting our self-esteem, Indeed, one of the important ways that we recognise 'meaning. is through our feelings. When we repeat a re-minder to ourselves it is important that we recognise the validity of the statement and feel the upwelling of empowering emotion.
Re-minders can and should be reassessed and developed over time to best match our current aspirations and needs.

My own example

Daily Reminder
For humanity:
I believe that humanity has goodness built-in and will choose to exhibit that goodness within the right cultural environment.
For the future:I believe that my mind-blowing project will directly benefit many people and help to evolve a culture that is more egalitarian and ambitious.
Alt: I choose to look forward with anticipation rather than apprehension.
I am:I am a good man, and I have a strong mind. I am able to appreciate amazing potentials and to contribute to the future culture for the benefit of all.
For those around me:I care for my own and other current cultures and work for shared betterment.
For my loved ones:I care for my loved ones and celebrate their lives.
For myself:
I care for my self and intentionally support my physical, mental, and financial wellbeing.